Smart Portfolios
A practical guide to building and maintaining intelligent investment portfolios. By Robert Carver.
Smart Portfolios is about building and maintaining smart investment portfolios. At its heart are the three key questions every investor needs to answer:
1. What to invest in.
2. How much to invest.
3. When to make changes to a portfolio.
Author Robert Carver addresses these three areas by providing a single integrated approach to portfolio management. He shows how to follow a step-by-step process to build a multi-asset investment portfolio, and how to rebalance the portfolio efficiently. He covers both investment in collective funds like ETFs, and also direct investment in individual equities.
"Two years after the excellent Systematic Trading, Rob has done it again. Smart Portfolios offer a unique insight into how a finance professional approaches portfolio construction and investment. This book clears up many misconceptions about investing and offers rational methods and tools for taking care of your hard earned money."
Andreas F. Clenow, CIO Acies Asset Management, Zurich
"In Finance (like many other subjects) there is a large amount of research that is smart but impractical and an equally large amount of popular literature that is practical but dumb. This book is in that rare category of smart and practical – it is also an entertaining read in its own right."
Francis Breedon, Professor of Finance Queen Mary, University of London and former head of currency strategy at a major investment bank
Smart Portfolios is a sophisticated but not overly technical treatment of a topic that every investor has to come to grips with. As such, it is a recommended read.
I've been a fan of Robert Carver's work for quite a while now, and this book definitely adds to the knowledge and experiences he willingly shares with others. Carver skillfully mixes theory and practicality, making this a great reference guide for intermediate and very experienced traders alike. The Epilogue section alone is pure gold, even though it is only one page long. This book will keep me quite busy for a while with investigating various portfolio sizing approaches. Highly Recommended!
Kevin Davey, Champion full time trader, author "Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems - A Trader's Journey From Data Mining To Monte Carlo Simulation To Live Trading"
Smart Portfolios is a very detailed, practical and comprehensive guide for anyone interested in building a portfolio of assets and increasing their long-term wealth
Smart Portfolios introduces plenty of concepts that anyone should follow in thinking about how to structure their investment dollars… Smart Portfolios makes for a valuable read, because it always brings you back to the practical macro-level questions (what to invest in, how much to invest, what changes to make) instead of going so far down the rabbit hole that you forget why various formulas or charts are relevant. Carver’s pedigree and current status make him the right kind of author for this type of book. Proud Money
This is one of those reference books that you put on the shelf - one of those great; just the facts; very practical reference guides that you can't go wrong with... The book is a solid piece of work so check it out... It's about the process and there are some really practical ways, mathematical ways, to put a good process in motion for your life.
Michael Covel, Trend following
Smart Portfolios(TM) is a registered US trademark of Smart Portfolios LLC. The author and publisher have no endorsement from, or affiliation with, Smart Portfolios LLC.